Episode Title: The Naked Time
Air Date: 9/29/1966
Written by John D.F.
Directed by Marc
Cast: William
Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk
Leonard Nimoy as Lieutenant Commander Spock DeForest Kelley as Dr. Leonard H.
McCoy AKA “Bones” James
Doohan as Lieutenant Commander
Montgomery Scott AKA “Scotty” George
Takei as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Nyota Uhura Majel Barrett as Nurse Christine Chapel Bruce Hyde as Lieutenant Kevin Thomas Riley Eddie Paskey as Lieutenant Ryan Bill Blackburn as Lieutenant Hadley Frank Da Vinci as Lieutenant Brent Stewart Moss as Lieutenant
(junior grade) Joe Tormolen Grace
Lee Whitney as Yeoman First Class Janice Rand William
Knight as Amorous Crewman John Belleh as the Laughing Crewman
Ships: USS
Enterprise NCC-1701
Planets: Psi 2000
My Spoiler filled
summary and review: The Enterprise is in orbit around the planet
PSI 2000, a world in a solar system whose star had gone dark. With the absence of a warm sun the once
Earth-like planet turned into a frozen wasteland, and now that frozen wasteland
itself was about to collapse as the planet was on the verge of breaking
up. The Enterprise arrives to pick up some scientists who have been
studying the phenomenon and to join them in observing the final stages of a
world ending. The dying planet’s
shifting gravity is a danger to a starship trying to maintain orbit around
it. However with the crew is experienced
and well-trained is the crew of the Enterprise
they have this covered, unless of course the crew in large sections start getting unexpectedly drunk.
adventure begins when Mr. Spock and Lt. Tormolen beam down to the science
station. When they materialize they discovered to their horror that everyone on
the science station is dead! Not only are they dead but they died of the most
bizarre, extreme, and unusual ways. It
was like their all overtaken with madness.
The engineer’s body was sitting at the station as if nothing was wrong,
yet he turned off the life-support controls causing them all to freeze. Prior to freezing however one of the
scientists, a woman, was strangled and another was taking a shower fully
dressed. Spock and Tormolen investigate
this disaster and while doing so Tormolen removes the glove of his
environmental suit to scratch his nose.
He forgets to put back on right away and continues to work and
unbeknownst to him a strange liquid like substance reaches out and sticks
his bare hand. At this point Mr. Spock comes out
and warns him not to contaminate anything; showing that Spock while he is a
master of many things timing isn’t one of them. Spock calls up to the Enterprise explains what they found.
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I really like how he places his glove right on the dead man's frozen head. |
As the
two men returned the ship they go through the decontamination process then report
the sick bay to be checked out by Dr. McCoy.
Both of which appear to be rather useless as the rest of the show will
demonstrate. As far as McCoy can see
they’re both fine, and he teases Mr. Spock a little bit for his Vulcan anatomy
which pleases Mr. Spock to no end. The
young Lieutenant is taken aback by the horror which he saw on the planet surface,
and Kirk gives them some reassuring words and sends along his way.
In the
briefing room Captain Kirk and his the senior staff are trying to tackle the dual
problems of figuring out what happened to this team of scientists and to safely
monitor the breakup of the planet.
Although they have to be careful Scotty is confident that the engines of
the Enterprise will have no problem
being safe throughout this mission. As
far as the dead scientists go Spock theorizes this could be some form of space
madness but they need to determine the cause.
In one
of the ship's cafeterias Tormolen is getting his lunch and still feeling depressed about what happened on
the surface and his feelings are getting worse.
Although Dr. McCoy gave him a clean bill of health McCoy can only check
for and guard against known conditions and Tormolen is infected by an unknown
substance. Lts. Sulu and Riley show up and Sulu is trying
to get Riley to take up fencing, the two men try to involve Tormolen in their
conversation but for the young man blows them off. When they show concern he gets irritated
reminding them that they don’t rank him they don’t have pointed ears they can’t
tell him what to do. At this point
either Sulu or Riley could have said that they are full lieutenants while he’s
just a JG so they in fact do rank him that he should show more respect. But as caring officers of the Enterprise they don't do that and instead try to help him. Unfortunately, Tormolen is it up for being
helped instead he grabs a butter knife and threatens Sulu and Riley with
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"Please Joey, I know you feel guilty about using a frozen man's head as clothes hanger but we won't tell!" |
Now in the 20th century when
this was made butter knives were not threatening weapons unless you tried to jam
it into someone’s eye. However by the
time the 23rd century the butter knives of the future have become
incredibly more powerful and Riley and Sulu are immediately concerned. They ask him to put down the knife but he
aims the slayer of butter at himself.
Sulu and Riley try to stop him but they fail he stabbed himself with the common utensil puncturing his chest as if it were warm butter—which really
must’ve hurt considering it’s a dull butter knife—Riley calls in a medical
emergency. Both Riley and Sulu are now
McCoy and Nurse Chapel race to save the young man’s life, even though his
surgery is going routinely well the young man’s vitals fail and he dies
anyway. McCoy later says to Captain Kirk
that he can’t explain it, and he never lost a patient like he just lost
Tormolen. Kirk orders McCoy to keep
investigating from both the possible and the impossible. Which is kind of a point haired boss thing
for Kirk to say but he felt he had to say something, and I guess it was his version of “work
smarter, not harder.” To be fair if I was a captain and I was told one of my men killed himself with a butter knife I would start saying stupid things too.
On the
bridge Mr. Sulu, infected with the same virus, gets bored with doing his helmsman
job and tries to get a Riley to sneak down to the gym with him. Riley, whose infection has not yet caught up
with him, refuses and Sulu sneaks off by himself while Mr. Spock’s back is
turned like a little boy playing hooky.
This of course puts the ship in danger since the fluctuating gravity of
the dying planet can threaten the starship and any moment. As ship gets into danger Mr. Spock notices in
time for the bridge crew to right the ship.
Mr. Spock’s reputation for timing has been restored from the start of the episode. When Spock turns to Riley for explanation
Riley now flush with Irish pride magnified by the space virus tells Spock that
there is need no fear for he was here to save them and that as an Irishman he
was worth 1000 Vulcans. Spock then kicks
Riley off the bridge and Riley happily leaves.
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Riley standing up to Spock in a drunken manner. |
In this
episode’s most famous scene, and the one that must be George Takei ‘s husband
Brad’s favorite, Mr. Sulu is now running around the ship half naked attacking
people with the sword, considering how dangerous butter knives are now a man with a sword is a serious concern. Not to mention walking around shirtless and sweating helps spread the virus. Riley stops in the sick bay
to check on Tormolen, and ends up infecting Nurse Chapel. Uhura
gets reports from the ship of Mr. Sulu and his sword as well as other outbursts
throughout the ship. Kirk on the bridge
tries to get a handle on the situation only to discover that Lt. Riley has lock
himself in the engineering room and from there taken control of the ship. He proclaims himself Captain, declares free
ice cream for all, and a dance in the bowling alley. (Which on a side note wish we could see the
ships bowling alley, is bowling the same in the 23rd century or has
it changed like chess?) Riley also wants
the women of the Enterprise wear
their hair down more and less make up. He
doesn’t say anything about the miniskirts so they're still cool.
Then he begins to sing his favorite Irish song, which was actually
written by an American, “I’ll Take You Home Again, Kathleen!”
Kirk leaves Mr. Spock in charge on
the bridge and heads down to deal with his crazy navigator and take control of
the ship back. Riley must’ve done
something to the engine room to prevent the use of the transporter from beaming
anyone in. That is the only thing I can
think of to why they just wouldn’t just use the transporter to beam directly
into the ship’s engine room. Scotty
realized they had to get in the old-fashioned way and cut section of the wall
so that they can rig the engine room door to open.
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One intoxicated man can take control of the whose ship from a single room! That is a design flaw. |
At this time Sulu appears on the
bridge attacking his fellow officers and nearly kidnapping Lt. Uhura, however
Mr. Spock uses his famous Vulcan nerve pinch to take down the wild swordsman. Spock order Sulu to be delivered to sick bay
where Dr. McCoy is working furiously to find an antidote. McCoy discovers that the virus has something
to do with the water on the planet that’s about to die, it acts like a type of
alcohol removing all inhibitions from its victims. In other words everyone acting weird on the Enterprise is involuntarily deeply drunk. McCoy needs to find a way to get everyone to
sober up.
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Sulu vs Everybody! This is no butter knife be afraid very afraid. |
When Spock comes to check on
his progress, after getting Scotty to hurry up on the engine room door because
is taking longer than they have, he is approached by the infected Nurse Chapel
who full of virus courage makes a pass at him.
Spock becomes infected and his response to the virus is to go off and
cry about heat how he never told his mother that he loved her.
Kirk and Scotty get into the engine
room and detain Lt. Riley. Then they
discover the horrible truth not only did Riley take control the ship but he
shut the engine down. It takes thirty
minutes to start the engine up from cold and they only have about twelve. Kirk and Scotty talk shop for a minute and as
the Chief Engineer continues it to insist that you can’t mix matter and
antimatter cold and starting it up earlier is impossible, Kirk reminds him that
instead of firing up for explosion they could instead do a controlled
implosion. Scotty reacts negatively saying
is only a theory and I imagine Kirk suggestion would be the equivalent of the
20th or 21st century scientist saying “That’s okay let’s
use Cold Fusion.” Kirk points out is all
they have and goes to find Spock to help out.
When he finds Spock, he finds the
weeping Vulcan still upset over his mother.
Kirk decides a bitch slap the Vulcan a couple of times to get him to
realize how silly he’s being, surprisingly after a few slaps Spock does regain
his composure and realizes what has to be done.
Unfortunately Kirk is now infected from Spock slapping back and almost
falls knees crying about how he doesn’t have a girlfriend and that how the Enterprise takes up his entire
life. He wants to find a nice girl to walk along the beach with. Shortly
however Kirk regains his composure through sheer force of will.
McCoy by this point is actually discovers
a cure for the virus and is using it to bring the Enterprise crewmembers back to their senses. It’s nice to see Dr. McCoy get to be the
miracle worker to make up for him completely missing the virus. He gives Kirk a dose just in case even though
he was apparently fully recovered, although he does look at Yeoman Rand once
longingly. Spock and Scotty do their
thing and the controlled implosion works blasting the Enterprise away from the planet.
However something else is happened.
They find out as the ship moved father way from the planet they were
also going backward in time. When they
finally stop Spock notices that they went back in time three days. He tells the Captain they have three days
live again. To which Kirk replies,
“Those three days!?!”
Additional thoughts:
Okay, I am going to talk about the end a little first. The excitement of discovering a way to go
back in time is cooled by the fact that this never really amounts to
anything. It was supposed to lead into
another episode but it never did after all that would interfere with the whole
episodic formula the series was using.
They start doing that they might have the start airing them in
order. Ultimately the crew of the Enterprise does time travel but they do
so using alternative methods.
Kirk’s concerns it’s a good thing they have those three days to live over again
because if I were a betting man I would bet they did not take proper scans and
readings of the breakup of that planet while they were trying to escape a starship nose dive with
their lives. This way they can observe the planet breakup again and they can do
the job right this time without having half the crew involuntarily
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Yes, some members of the crew are just plain weird. |
Of course it would’ve been
a little bit nicer if they had not stopped when they did an instead went back
in time a few more days. Then they could’ve used McCoy’s formula to
save the scientists on that station.
Kirk said they may use that time traveling formula again someday, well
why not today? I’m assuming the whole
cold implosion thing is very dangerous and that’s why they don’t do it. I also assume that this time travel method
becomes really top-secret and that’s why we never see the method tried again
and any Star Trek series; at least that I can remember. It also would become a problem for the writers
if every time the Enterprise encountered
a tough situation they would just do a cold implosion and go back and fix it. Of course they do later learn of more
efficient methods of time traveling that doesn’t involve staring at the ships
clock slowing move backward.
episode is a lot of fun. There are shows
that are made to be funny and the shows are made to be serious. There are also shows that are serious but do
have some funny moments of or at least have an episode that’s overly
humorous. Even “the Sopranos” had quite
a few episodes and moments in it that made me chuckle. Star Trek is generally a show
that serious science fiction but it does have it light-hearted moments and episodes like this
which are of great humor. It was fun to
see the ship’s crew run around like they were chickens with their heads cut
off. I do like the fact that Kirk and
Spock were able to overcome the virus by just being mentally strong enough to
do so it says a lot for their characters.
Although Spock had to be bitch slapped a couple of times, and Kirk with his ladies' man reputation cry about not having a girlfriend.
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One benefit to the virus, Nurse Chapel gets the courage to tell Mr. Spock about how she feels. |
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Infected with the same virus many men get the same type of courage that Nurse Chapel got, which means its long walk for Yeoman Rand to the turbo-lift. |
was great was how some of the crew’s characteristics were able to come to the
forefront from Spock’s pain about how his mother had to live without ever
hearing the phrase “I love you” from her son to the more entertaining Mr. Sulu
running around with a sword. Slight note
on Sulu, when you think about it of all the people on the Enterprise he is probably the best one to have as a friend. He’s always sharing his interests whether
it’s plants or sword fighting and always looking to include other people. I don’t think Kevin Riley realizes how good
he has it right now. How many friends
you have loses wants randomly want to teach you how to use a sword or show you
a plant that can actually move and eat things you do not normally imagine plants
In the
previous episode we encountered a dangerous creature that was the last of his
kind and on its way to extinction, considering the damage it did I think we’re
left grateful that the universe no longer had to deal with them. Considering the type of water that PSI 2000
produced we should be grateful that planet broke apart the way it did so no
more burdens on the universe come from that little planet.
I liked the jokes you made about the butter knife! XD
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