Mission to Horatius Mark Reynolds September 1968
Spock Must Die! James Blish February 1970
Starfleet Technical Manual Franz Joseph November 1975
Star Trek: The New Voyages various March 1976
story 1 story 2 story 3 story 4 story 5 story 6 story 7 story 8 story 9
Spock, Messiah! Theodore Cogswell and Charles Spano September1976
The Price of the Phoenix Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath July 1977
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Planet of Judgment Joe Haldeman August 1977
Star Trek: The New Voyages 2 various January 1978
story 1 story 2 story 3 story 4 story 5 story 6 story 7 story 8 story 9 story 10
Vulcan! Kathleen Sky September 1978
The Starless World Gordon Eklund November 1978
Trek to Madworld Stephen Goldin January 1979
World Without End Joe Haldeman February 1979
The Fate of the Phoenix Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath May 1979
Devil World Gordon Eklund November 1979
1 Star Trek: The Motion Picture (novelization) Gene Roddenberry December 1979
2 The Entropy Effect Vonda N. McIntyre June 1981
3 The Klingon Gambit Robert E. Vardeman October 1981
4 The Covenant of the Crown HowardWeinstein December 1981
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5 The Prometheus Design Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath March 1982
6 The Abode of Life Lee Correy May 1982
7 The Wrath of Khan (novelization) Vonda N. McIntyre July 1982
8 Black Fire Sonni Cooper January 1983
9 Triangle Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath March 1983
10 Web of the Romulans M. S. Murdock June 1983
11 Yesterday's Son A. C. Crispin August 1983
12 Mutiny on the Enterprise Robert E. Vardeman October 1983
13 The Wounded Sky Diane Duane December 1983
Voyage to Adventure Michael J. Dodge January 1984
14 The Trellisane Confrontation David Dvorkin February 1984
15 Corona Greg Bear April 1984
16 The Final Reflection John M. Ford May 1984
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17 The Search
for Spock (novelization) Vonda N.
McIntyre June 1984
18 My Enemy,
My Ally Diane Duane July 1984
19 The Tears
of the Singers Melinda Snodgrass September
20 The Vulcan
Academy Murders Jean Lorrah November 1984
21 Uhura's
Song Janet Kagan January 1985
22 Shadow
Lord Laurence Yep March 1985
23 Ishmael Barbara Hambly
May 1985
24 Killing
Time Della van Hise July 1985
25 Dwellers
in the Crucible Margaret Wander Bonanno September 1985
26 Pawns and
Symbols Majliss Larson November 1985
27 Mindshadow J. M. Dillard January 1986
28 Crisis on
Centaurus Brad Ferguson March 1986
29 Dreadnought! Diane Carey May 1986
30 Demons J. M. Dillard July 1986
Enterprise: The First Adventure Vonda
N. McIntyre September 1986
31 Battlestations! Diane Carey November 1986
Phaser Fight Barbara & Scott Siegel December 1986
32 Chain of
Gene DeWeese February 1987
33 Deep
Domain Howard Weinstein April 1987
34 Dreams of
the Raven Carmen Carter June 1987
from the Sky Margaret Wander Bonanno July 1987
35 The
Romulan Way Diane Duane and Peter
Morwood August 1987
36 How Much for Just the Planet? John M. Ford October 1987
Mr. Scott’s Guide to the Enterprise Lora Johnson November 1987
37 Bloodthirst J. M. Dillard December 1987
Frontier Diane Carey January
38 The IDIC
Epidemic Jean Lorrah February 1988
39 Time for
Yesterday A. C. Crispin April 1988
40 Timetrap David Dvorkin June 1988
41 The
Three-Minute Universe Barbara Paul August 1988
World Diane Duane September
42 Memory
Prime Judith
and Garfield Reeves-Stevens October
43 The Final
Nexus Gene DeWeese December 1988
44 Vulcan's
Glory D. C. Fontana February 1989
45 Double, Double Michael Jan Friedman April 1989
46 The Cry of
the Onlies Judy Klass October 1989
Lost Years JM Dilard October 1989
47 The
Kobayashi Maru Julia Ecklar December 1989
48 Rules of
Engagement Peter Morwood February
49 The
Pandora Principle Carolyn Clowes
April 1990
50 Doctor's
Orders Diane Duane June 1990
Directive Judith and Garfield Reeves Stevens September 1990
51 Enemy
Unseen V. E. Mitchell October 1990
52 Home Is
the Hunter Dana Kramer-Rolls December 1990
53 Ghost-Walker
Barbara Hambly February 1991
54 A Flag
Full of Stars Brad Ferguson
April 1991
55 Renegade Gene DeWeese June 1991
56 Legacy
Michael Jan Friedman August
57 The Rift Peter David November 1991
58 Faces of
Fire Michael Jan Friedman
March 1992
Probe Margaret
Wander Bonanno April 1992
59 The Disinherited Peter David, Michael Jan
Friedman, and Robert Greenberger May 1992
60 Ice
Trap L.
A. Graf July 1992
61 Sanctuary John Vornholt September 1992
62 Death
Count L. A. Graf November 1992
Destiny Diane Carey November 1992
63 Shell Game Melissa Crandall February 1993
64 The
Starship Trap Mel Gilden April 1993
65 Windows on
a Lost World V. E. Mitchell
June 1993
66 From the
Depths Victor Milan August 1993
on the Sun Michael Jan Friedman August 1993
67 The Great
Starship Race Diane Carey October 1993
68 Firestorm L. A. Graf January 1994
Sarek A. C. Crispin March 1994
69 The
Patrian Transgression Simon
Hawke April 1994
70 Traitor
Winds L. A. Graf June 1994
71 Crossroad Barbara Hambly September 1994
72 The Better
Man Howard Weinstein December 1994
73 Recovery J. M. Dillard March 1995
74 The
Fearful Summons Denny Martin Flinn June 1995
75 First
Frontier Diane Carey and James
Kirkland August 1995
76 The
Captain's Daughter Peter David
December 1995
77 Twilight's
End Jerry Oltion January 1996
78 The Rings
of Tautee Dean Wesley Smith and
Kristine Kathryn Rusch May 1996
79 First
Strike Diane Carey July 1996
Crisis on Vulcan Brad
Strickland and Barbara Strickland August
80 The Joy
Machine Theodore Sturgeon and
James Gunn September 1996
Aftershock John Vornholt
September 1996
Kirk Diane Carey October 1996
81 Mudd in
Your Eye Jerry Oltion January 1997
82 Mind Meld John Vornholt June 1997
Vulcan's Forge Josepha
Sherman and Susan Shwartz August 1997
Treaty's Law Kristine
Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith October 1997
83 Heart of
the Sun Pamela Sargent and
George Zebrowski November 1997
84 Assignment:
Eternity Greg Cox January 1998
War Dragons L.
A. Graf June 1998
Sea Meets Sky Jerry Oltion October 1998
85 Republic Michael Jan Friedman December 1998
86 Constitution Michael Jan Friedman December 1998
87 Enterprise Michael Jan Friedman January 1999
Heart Josepha
Sherman and Susan Shwartz July 1999
88 Across the
Universe Pamela Sargent and George
Zebrowski October 1999
89 Wagon
Train to the Stars Diane Carey June 2000
90 Belle
Terre Dean Wesley Smith and
Diane Carey June 2000
91 Rough
Trails L. A. Graf July 2000
92 The
Flaming Arrow Kathy Oltion and
Jerry Oltion July 2000
93 Thin
Air Kristine Kathryn
Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith August
94 Challenger Diane Carey August 2000
95 Swordhunt Diane
Duane October 2000
96 Honor
Blade Diane Duane October 2000
S. D. Perry June 26, 2001
Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Vol. 1 Greg
Cox June 26, 2001
Small Step Susan Wright July 31, 2001
97 In the
Name of Honor Dayton Ward January 20, 2002
The Rise
and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Vol. 2
Greg Cox April 23, 2002
The Last
Roundup Christie Golden June
25, 2002
The Edge
of the Sword Kevin Ryan
June 25, 2002
Blow Kevin Ryan July 30, 2002
River of
Blood Kevin Ryan July 30, 2002
Mike W. Barr January 25,
Garth of
Izar Pamela Sargent and George
Zebrowski February 25, 2003
The Case
of the Colonist's Corpse Tony
Isabella and Bob Ingersoll December 30,
Machina Christopher L. Bennett December 28, 2004
To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien
Singh Greg Cox January
4, 2005
Seeds of
Rage Kevin Ryan March
29, 2005
Dreams Margaret Wander Bonanno July 25, 2006
Provenance of Shadows David R. George III August 29, 2006
Empty Chair Diane
Duane November 2006
Fire and the Rose David R. George
III November 28, 2006
of Honor Kevin Ryan January 30, 2007
Star to Every Wandering David R.
George III February 27, 2007
Sacrifices of War Kevin
Ryan December 30,
Troublesome Minds Dave
Galanter May 26, 2009
Inception S. D. Perry January
26, 2010
Unspoken Truth Margaret
Wander Bonanno March 30, 2010
Children of Kings Dave Stern April 27, 2010
Cast No
Shadow James Swallow July 26, 2011
A Choice of Catastrophes Steve Mollmann and Michael
Schuster August 30, 2011
Rings of Time Greg Cox January 31, 2012
Which Divides Dayton Ward February 28, 2012
Allegiance in Exile David
R. George III January 29, 2013
Bargain Tony Daniel February 26, 2013
Weight of Worlds Greg Cox March 26, 2013
Folded World Jeff Mariotte April 30, 2013
The Shocks of Adversity William Leisner May 28, 2013
History's Shadow Dayton Ward July 30, 2013
No Time
Like The Past Greg Cox February 25, 2014
of Light and Darkness Michael A.
Martin April 28, 2014
in the Garden Jeff Mariotte April 29, 2014
The More
Things Change Scott Pearson June 23, 2014
Foul Deeds
Will Rise Greg Cox November 25, 2014
Trade Tony Daniel February 24, 2015
Shadow of
the Machine Scott Harrison March 9, 2015
Crisis of
Consciousness Dave Galanter April 28, 2015
Child of
Two Worlds Greg Cox November 24, 2015
Miasma Greg Cox February 22, 2016
The Latter
Fire James Swallow
February 23, 2016
Salvation Dayton Ward April 26, 2016
Captain to
Captain Greg Cox June 28, 2016
Defense David Mack July 26, 2016
Key Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore August 30, 2016
The Face of
the Unknown Christopher L. Bennett December 27, 2016
Captain's Oath Christopher L. Bennett May 28, 2019
The Antares
Maelstrom Greg Cox August 13, 2019
Higher Frontier Christopher L.
Bennett March 10, 2020
Agents of
Influence Dayton Ward June 9,
A Contest
of Principles Greg Cox November
10, 2020
Memory Christopher L. Bennett June
15, 2021
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