Friday, February 28, 2020


Episode Title:  This Side of Paradise

Air Date: 3/2/1967

Written by Jerry Sohl and Dorothy C. Fontana

Directed by Ralph Senensky

Cast: William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk    Leonard Nimoy as Lieutenant Commander Spock             DeForest Kelley as Dr. Leonard H. McCoy AKA “Bones”              George Takei  as Lieutenant  Hikaru Sulu              Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Nyota Uhura          Michael Barrier as  Lieutenant DeSalle            Dick Scotter as Lieutenant Painter                Eddie Paskey as unnamed Crewman                 Bill Blackburn as Lieutenant Hadley     Frank Da Vinci as Lieutenant Brent                           Grant Woods as Lieutenant Kelowitz       Bobby Bass as unnamed Lieutenant         Walker Edmiston as Transporter Chief            John Lindesmith as unnamed Engineer                Jeannie Maloneas Yeoman / Omicron Colonist     Sean Morgan as unnamed Engineer              Fred Shue as unnamed Crewman           Ron Veto as Kelowitz's Opponent       Jill Ireland as Leila Kalomi     Frank Overton as Elias Sandoval      Dick Scotter as Painter

Ships: USS Enterprise NCC-1701

Planets:  Omicron Ceti III

My Spoiler filled summary and review:  The Enterprise is on route to the Federation colony Omicron Ceti III.   They are hardly optimistic and are preparing for a gloomy task.  For the colony had been at risk to be exposed to Berthold rays, radiation so intense that no life-form could survive if exposed for a few weeks.  The colonists had gone three years ago there is no chance of survivors.  Since it would take a week for the radiation to take effect and cause permanent damage they can send a landing party down. The away team is formed of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, Mr. Sulu and number of other officers.  The good news is none of them are wearing red so less chance of casualties.

When they beam down to the planet, to their shock, everything seems fine.  The colonists are all alive despite living in a place that should be killing them.  Spock and McCoy verbally spare a little bit in front of the Captain with Dr. McCoy offering his “diagnose” of life and Mr. Spock pointing out how this can’t be.  Mr. Sulu proposes that perhaps they are actual dead and are walking around as animated zombies.   Sulu’s proposal seems to be stretch but considering everything that the crew of the Enterprise has been through during their voyages it is a valid a theory as anything else. 
The crew encountering a man who should be dead!

The leader of the colony, Elias Sandoval, takes them on a small tour while explaining the colony’s three-camp structure.   Some things become immediately apparent.  The first of these is a young woman named Leila appears and she and Mr. Spock have a history together.   The history they have is clearly a romantic one from a time when Mr. Spock was on Earth.  Whatever it was and how long it lasted is not explained but it ended when Mr. Spock resumed his career in Starfleet.  Upon examining the colonists Dr. McCoy makes an interesting discovery.  They are all perfectly healthy, too perfect.  Not only does none of the colonists have a thing wrong with them but medical conditions that were reported in their files seems have all been erased.  The leader Sandoval re-grew an appendix that was earlier removed.  When Dr. McCoy tried the tricorder on himself to make sure that it was working and it properly recorded all of his medical conditions including his own missing tonsils.   The third strange thing that occurs on this planet is discovered by Mr. Sulu.  All the farm animals are gone and in addition to the missing farm animals there are no insects either.  Also the production is off, their mission was to be a agricultural colony, but they are not producing exports. 
Spock exposed

Lelia tries to do some catching up with Mr. Spock.  She is having difficulty however piercing through his Vulcan exterior which protects him from displaying emotions.   Unlike when they were on Earth, Lelia has a new tool.   She decides to show Spock how it is they been able to survive for so long by bringing him over to some plants and one of those plants spits spores on him.  This causes Mr. Spock to become overly happy and lose all sense of responsibility.
Spock and Lelia

Having received orders to evacuate the planet, Captain Kirk begins organizing his away team to begin that process.  He tried to call Spock on his communicator and is shocked when Spock answers and starts acting insubordinate.  He tells Kirk that the colony is not be evacuated this both puzzles and irritates the Captain.  Kirk then heads over was Sulu and DeSalle to see what’s up with Spock.  When they arrive they find Spock playing with Lelia.  He is smiling, laughing, and climbing a tree.   When Kirk and party approach Spock defies the Captain to his face.  Kirk declares a Spock is now in custody and  Sulu is in charge of him.  This action makes Spock lead the three men over to the plants that earlier infected him and the plants proceed to spit spores on both Sulu and DeSalle.   Instantly the two men are now smitten with the same lost look that Spock has and instantly take his side refusing to cooperate with the evacuation.

 Now realizing what’s going on in understanding the threat to his crew Kirk goes to gather the rest of the away team.  However the Captain is too late for not only has the entire away team been affected but they are potting some of the spore plants and sending them up to the Enterprise.  Kirk contacts ship and gets a reluctant transporter chief to actually beam him up.  When he gets there he discovers that so many plants have been brought on the ship that his entire crew is infected.  There is a long line in front of the transporter room as the crew wants to leave the ship to go down the service and be part of the colony.  For one of the consequences of the spores is they make everyone infected with the condition to want to be near one another and in the plants’ natural environment.  Kirk goes to the bridge but he can’t signal Starfleet for help because the infected Lt. Uhura has sabotaged the communication system.
We quit!

Captain Kirk feels defeated with all he has faced throughout his career looks like his entire command is now in jeopardy because of spore spitting plans. Then just as he feels all is lost one of the plants spits on him too.  Now Kirk is happy and wants to join the colony with his crew.  He calls down Spock to tell him the delightful news and Spock is happy to hear it.  Kirk needs to pack his bag so he goes to his quarters to proceed to do just that.  The Captain makes sure to pack his wraparound uniform as he remembers on this planet you want to be sexy.  As he enters the transporter room he suddenly forgets on how to beam himself somewhere.  Clearly the transporter chief knew how to self-transport as he is no longer there, but it has been so long since Kirk individually operated transporter that he forgot that procedure and now he can’t leave. Kirk gets angry about his situation and before he can rationalize about just calling Spock so he can talk him through the process of beaming himself down the anger overwhelms kills the spores inside him and Kirk is suddenly cured.
Kirk infected!

Captain Kirk realizing what he needs to do tricks Spock into coming aboard the Enterprise for some help.  When Spock arrives Kirk accuses him of being a deserter and insults his parents.  He calls his father a computer and his mother encyclopedia.  An enraged Spock attacks Captain Kirk, normally in the situation Kirk would apply his amazing fighting skills but Kirk is not looking to defeat Spock just cure him so the Captain is fighting with one hand tied behind his back figuratively speaking.  Spock almost kills Kirk but the rage cures him.  As the two of them calm down they come up with a plan to use a transmitter from the Enterprise to broadcast an irritating subsonic frequency to the crew's communicators provoke everyone to anger and cure all of them.  There is a humorous moment were Spock points out that their behavior of trying to strike each other should result in them both being court-martialed but Kirk rationalizes to Spock that if they’re both in the brig who will be there to build a transmitter and save the ship.

Their plan works to perfection they send a signal down allowing everyone’s emotions come to service fighting breaks out everywhere.  Everyone is cured colonists and crew member alike.  Once they all come to their senses the realize it is time to hightail it out of there. The humans and the one Vulcan voluntarily leave paradise behind.  Spock and Lelia have one last moment together before going their separate ways.

Additional thoughts:  Okay so I am going to be honest “spitting” was not actually the body function that came to my mind every time one of the spores went off.  I believe everyone who ever saw this episode all know the body function that we all thought while watching it.  However if you want to keep this somewhat family friendly we will stick to “spitting.”

This episode was a lot of fun we got to see Mr. Spock go from his normal stoic self and allow him to let loose.   We saw him let loose once before in “The Naked Time,” in that episode the virus caused Spock’s guilt of not telling his mother  that he loved her to come to the surface and break his heart.  In this episode he was allowed to express love for woman that he knew from his past where always his rigid Vulcan nature prevent him from expressing such feelings.  It was also funny to see him climb a tree and tell Kirk to buzz off. 

Captain Kirk had a rough time this episode.  It was especially odd when once the nature of the spores was revealed to him he still acted absolutely shocked every single time he saw a crewman misbehaving.  I understand his initial reaction to Spock—although I also feel that given Spock’s history Kirk should have suspected something unusual was up when he started behaving as he did—when he directly sees what it does to Sulu and DeSalle it should then be clear to him what was happening.  Yet whenever Kirk found a member of his crew behaving in a similar manner he confronted them with, “What are you doing? Don’t you realize this is mutiny?” Then he would look shocked every time they back talked to him.
Now you've done it!

So why did Captain Kirk have such difficulty with the transporter?  I may have answered that my summary but I’m not really satisfied with that answer.   Shouldn’t he know how to operate it efficiently we saw him coach some of his crewman way back in “Dagger of the Mind” it is a minor plot hole but it is an annoying one.  

Kirk gets Spock to betray a woman he loves dearly.  When Lelia calls up to the ship, there is a moment when Kirk and Spock look at each other.  Kirk expression is one of sympathy, but I must add it does come off as the ultimate “bros before hoes” moment. 
Together again!

The spores have some advantages particularly in the medical field.  Completely curing your body and replacing lost organs, in “The Conscience of the King” one of Kirk’s friends was missing half of his face.   Maybe they should have saved some of these plants to treat injuries than once those injuries are cured make sure to anger them to free their mind.


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